SYSTEM-CARD working platform
- Operator badge for lifting platforms
- Training in theory and practice
- In accordance with DGUV principle 308-008 and international ISO 18878

After successful, personal initial training, the legal annual instruction can be carried out online via our SYSTEM-CARD E-Learning in the following years.

The SYSTEM-CARD Training

- Training content tailored to your company, as training is provided for specific equipment categories
- Trainings by experienced trainers with practical background
- Extensive training: Courses for operators of working platforms in your company or in our training center

You do not only learn what is prohibited
More importantly: You learn how to do it right!

Contents of the training
Training in accordance with international requirements ISO 18878 and professional association specifications DGUV G 308-008 and DGUV R 100-500
- Legal bases: ArbSchG, BetrSichV, StVO, FeV, RSA, DIN EN 280, DGUV V 1, DGUV R100-500, Kap.2.10, DGUV G 308-002, VSG 4.2, DGUV I 203-033
- Technology: Safety requirements and devices, working platform categories, application possibilities, warnings, restrictions, control functions, daily function control
- Handling/Operation: Installation, support, underground, procedures, work, electrical voltage, PPE, transport, wind Special work assignments (e.g. tree cutting)
- Working environment: Working on construction sites, working on public roads, working on production facilities, analysis of accident scenarios, prevention measures
In general, working platforms, such as trailer mounted platforms, truck mounted platforms, telescopic and articulated telescopic platforms, scissor lifts as well as special platforms, are very safe working devices and are better than scaffolding or ladders. Nevertheless, risks can occur which can not be completely avoided when using this work equipment. In order to minimize these risks, the operator's license for working platforms (also known in the industry as the "Lifting Platform Driving License", "Hubsteiger License") was introduced. The SYSTEM-CARD of SYSTEM-LIFT includes theoretical and practical training as well as an individual course for specific designs of lifting platforms.
You as an entrepreneur...

... you have a particularly high responsibility for the use of working platforms and work equipment by your employees:
Obligation to instruct (ArbSchG + BetrSichV) for working platforms according to DGUV rule 100-500, chapter 2.10.
Instructions/training courses must be based on the state of the technology. The trade association principle 308-008 "Training and commissioning of operators of lifting platforms" shows very detailed and extensive specifications. With the SYSTEM-CARD these requirements are being fulfilled to 100 % and ensure that your employees work efficiently and safely.
A training course for your employees by System Lift provides the entrepreneur, supervisor and your employees with safety and increases the efficiency in handling a work platform.
The SYSTEM-CARD helps you to work efficiently and legally compliant.
A comprehensive training concept: Blended Learning

- SYSTEM-CARD initial training in theory and application depending on the chosen category
- Duration 1 day
- statutory annual instruction, e.g. via e-learning
- Repetition training after refreshment interval

Types of construction "stage"

E-Learning Hubarbeitsbühne